FLEX Calculator


Product price (net)

FLEX solution

Open rental period in months:


Legal form (for tax refund)

Flexvelop Icon Information Deepgrey

The rental period and the legal form do not affect the amount of the installment, only the calculation of the residual purchase price. The rental period has no effect on the minimum term.

Flexvelop Icon Flexible Deepgrey

FLEX rent

Equipment share (100 % credit at purchase)
40,83 €
Flex performance (refinancing, insurance, administration)
17,50 €
Monthly FLEX rent (net)
58,33 €
Flexvelop Icon Outline Deep Grey buy

Purchase option

Minimum rental period
9 months
Flex rent already paid
525,00 €
367,57 €
Residual purchase price
632,50 €
Expenses before tax refund*
1.157,50 €
Potential tax savings*
from rent & residual purchase price
-373,58 €
Potential tax savings*
from residual purchase price
-204,14 €
Total expenditure
after expected tax refund*
783,92 €
55,60 €
mn. after taxes
After the minimum rental period:
Each additional month of rental automatically reduces the remaining purchase price by
40,83 €
Flexvelop Icon Outline Deep Grey return option

Return option

Return fee
0,00 €

Maximum flexibility
Pay less tax? As with leasing, offset 100% of the installments paid as a business expense and thus reduce the taxable profit.

Tax optimization
Pay less tax? As with leasing, offset 100% of the installments paid as a business expense and thus reduce the taxable profit.

Balance sheet neutral
Pay less tax? As with leasing, offset 100% of the installments paid as a business expense and thus reduce the taxable profit.

Runtime / FAQs

Flexvelop Zeistrahl FLEX9 incl. purchase and return option Desktop
Flexvelop Zeistrahl FLEX9 incl. purchase and return option mobile
How is the remaining purchase price calculated if I want to buy the device?
Will I incur additional fees if I return a device?
What happens after the minimum term?
Why do I get more back from taxes than typical financing?
* Calculation based on a limited liability company view. The information contained on this website is for general information purposes and does not relate to the specific situation of any individual or legal entity. It does not constitute business, legal or tax advice. No one may act on the basis of this information without appropriate professional advice and a thorough analysis of the situation in question. We accept no responsibility for decisions made by the user on the basis of the aforementioned information. Although we take the greatest possible care in selecting the information provided, we are not liable for its accuracy, timeliness and completeness.