Press release Flexvelop

5 tips on how military principles can lead start-ups to success

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Strategies from the barracks: start-ups and the military - two worlds that at first glance seem to have little in common. In both worlds, it is about reacting boldly in a dynamic environment under great uncertainty and getting through stressful phases.

Start-ups and the military - two worlds that at first glance seem to have little in common. But a closer look reveals numerous parallels. For both start-ups and the military, agile action is the key to success. In the following five tips, Hans-Christian Stockfisch, founder of Flexvelop and former military officer, shows how military principles can help start-ups to succeed in the market with flying colors.

The situation: knowledge is power

In the military, information is crucial for the dynamic situation picture. This is because a clear picture of the situation is a prerequisite for deriving the best possible options for action. Briefings in the military therefore usually follow the "situation - mission - execution" agenda.


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