Press release Flexvelop

Award for Flexvelop

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Hamburg, 01.08.2023 - Flexvelop has been named "HW Start-up of the Month". The title was awarded by the business magazine "Hamburger Wirtschaft" and recognizes the innovative business model of the Hamburg-based FinTech. "We are very grateful to the Chamber of Commerce to receive such attention," said Dr. Hans-Christian Stockfisch, founder of Flexvelop. "In this context, we are particularly pleased that our strong growth is noticed in the Hamburg business community and that our FinTech is recognized as a reliable partner for small and medium-sized enterprises." The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce magazine "Hamburger Wirtschaft" puts the spotlight on the most innovative and promising start-ups in the Hamburg metropolitan region with its "HW Start-up of the Month" award. Flexvelop has created a financing solution for business equipment with its rental model. This also has a direct positive impact on Hamburg founders and companies. Flexvelop combines the advantages of leasing, rental and loan financing. FLEX rental reduces the investment risk of companies, preserves liquidity and optimizes cash flow. The flexible terms with purchase or return options allow companies maximum flexibility and worry-free growth. FLEX rental closes a gap in the financing landscape and offers a needs-based solution for the flexible and cost-effective procurement of business equipment for start-ups and growing companies. To the article in "Hamburger Wirtschaft": "Like leasing, only more flexible".

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