FLEX-Wiki | Dealer

Functions & details

Send offer

Send offers

Time required: 1-2 minutes

1. dashboard button

To get to the quotation screen, click on the "Send quotation" button in your dashboard.

-> If you click on "Offers" in the navigation bar, you will be taken to the offers that have already been created. You cannot create any new offers there.

2. create offer

To create an offer, you only need the following information:

  • Product name
  • Quantity
  • Product price


Based on these few details, we can then assign the invoice that you send us via the dashboard. To send the offer, you can add the customer's e-mail address on the right-hand side. The offer is then sent to this address and the customer account is created. This cannot be changed afterwards, so it should be a business e-mail address.

2.1 Optional information

You can optionally add a note or item number to your product. This will be displayed to the customer in the shopping cart when the offer is accepted.

In addition, the customer's telephone number can be stored when the offer is sent. This enables our support team to proactively assist your customer with any problems. The quote is only sent to the e-mail address.

3. send offer

Your customer will receive a FLEX offer from us by e-mail with the following sample structure. If you have uploaded your logo in the "Profile" section, this will also appear in the quotation e-mail.

4. what happens after sending

Once the contract has been successfully concluded, you and your customer will receive a confirmation email with the fresh FLEX contract. You can then deliver and hand over the goods to the customer.

We collect the first month's rent from the specified account in advance to secure the account link.

Shipping and delivery are your responsibility as the retailer. Therefore, we cannot send the customer a shipping confirmation ourselves.

However, you can specify an optional delivery date via the respective contract. The contract term only begins once the delivery bill has been uploaded and the device has been delivered. The installment paid in advance is of course also included.

You and the customer can use the dashboard to call up all important information such as the long-term rental invoice and access the purchase and return options.